P-Awards 2022

- by Terje, November 18th 2022
The P-awards 2022 for baseball were presented this past weekend at Majorstua. In total 20 awards were handed out. And the winners are......
- MVP: Ai Narita (P1) and Max Krafft (P2)
- Best Batter: Enrico Guerrini (P1) and Ravi Sharma (P2)
- Best Pitcher: Ty Tollestrup (P1) and Ravi Sharma (P2)
- Rookie of the Year: James Theodos (P1) and Ravi Sharma (P2)
- Kiai award: Terje Hoaas - Resurrected the Pretenders after the most destructive off-season in club history.
- Best offensive play (P1): Terje Hoaas/Enrico Guerrini/Ai Narita - 3 doubles in a row vs Bergen in the bronze final to start the ralley for the win.
- Best offensive play (P2): Max Krafft - 2-run single in 6th against Drammen to take the game to extra innings for a P2 win.
- Best defensive play: (P1): Ai Narita/Enrico Guerrini/Andreas Erga - The great 6-4-3 DP in the bronze final.
- Best defensive play: (P2): Lukasz Trepczyk - 6-3 double play on a shallow infield pop-up against the Loggers - seasonending play.
- Breakthrough of the year: (P1): Ty Tollestryp - For having a great pitching season.
(P2) Max Krafft - has improved greatly thanks to his dedication. this year he has debuted in P1 performing well.
- Blooper of the year: Jaro Bruders - The 3rd base ump that sent Enrico back to 2nd on a "new rule" that didn't exist - in the NM vs VIF.
- Most Bizarre/Phunniest play: Luca Torti - Slow-mo run to 2B for a double against Royals. It took forever, but he made it just in time!
- Bernhardsen award: Eirik Justra - Eirik lost a knife-fight against a hamburger during playoffs and cut his finger. Had to go to the ER. The runner-up Ola Fauske burned his hand a couple of minutes later.
- Urban award: Ryan Goedecke - Bright colored or green undershirts. Complete mismatch all year long.
- The Hephaestus award: John Heramb/Fabian Brage/Victor Borgenvik - The award for art and creativity - To our film-crew who filmed the entire play-offs. Thanks for a great job!
Congratz to all the winners!!